Saturday, March 27, 2010
Milena Velba And Nadine Jansen Swimming Pool
indecision and individual errors brought our guys today on the victory. Although we have today domoniert for the game and played a lot of scoring chances, but laughed at the end of the hosts, who exploited our mistakes cold. After a quick guide for the host, the boys promptly matched by Fabian. Then the hosts led 2-1 again and went into the half time break. The second half was played almost exclusively in the attacking half. Fabian again equalized. After a quick break, the hosts scored the winning goal. Despite the superiority of us was not more than deserved compensation.
Happy Easter!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Several Small Neck Lumps

Today I want to finally say THANK YOU to each and every visitor to my site here and next door in the heart factory . Six months ago I came into as a reader blogger land and a short time later I was packed and the fever. The always kind comments please me very much and give a stimulus weiter dran zu bleiben – mal mit mehr und mal mit weniger Zeit.
Ebenfalls bedanken möchte ich mich für den guten Start, den mein kleiner Dekoshop durch Euch hatte. Da ich noch nicht wirklich viel Werbung im Netz für diesen Shop gemacht habe, erstaunt es mich umso mehr, dass ich in knapp 3 Monaten auch dort schon viele Besucher hatte. Es freut mich immer unheimlich, wenn ich wieder auf einem Blog entdecke, dass dort jemand in der Sidebar den Link für meinen Shop eingebaut hat. Das ist wirklich ganz lieb und eine tolle Werbung für mich. DANKE!
Deshalb habe ich mir überlegt für die Blogs ein Giveaway zu machen und für den Shop ein Gewinnspiel.
Beim Giveaway I would like to 11th April 2010 giving away three gifts.
The 1 Place receives a "welcome Garland
The 2nd Place gets a sign "I'm in the Garden"
And the 3rd Place gets a heart with bow
may join us in the draw is anyone here up to 11 April 2010, 11.11 clock, leaving a little comment and the picture is to Give Away in his sidebar (you can do the pictures above you "steal").
The contest in the garden shop can also stick everyone can participate. There, I included a raffle for puzzle players. It is not that easy to solve, but with some time and logical combining it should work. The Contest runs until 31st April 2010 and here you can watch it to you.
I'll keep our fingers crossed and look forward to your participation. You are welcome the competition will also link - but is not a condition of participation, o)
Have fun and best wishes,
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Science Laboratory Crossword
w irken Magnete auf meiner neuen Pinnwand. Diese schöne romantische rosenverzierte Magnetwand wird demnächst mein renoviertes Nähzimmer verzieren. Leider muss ich mich noch bis Mitte April gedulden. Das passende Holzvögelchen habe ich mir dann auch gleich mitgenommen.
attractive are the beautiful new rings for my napkins. I am pleased schonauf the next table decoration, If I again invite friends to dinner - because the rings will have its premiere.
A trimmed in antique Clock I've also indulged. Currently, she has found her place in the living room via the TV, and between two bookshelves. Our TV is actually a pretty big one, but under the Clock, he looks almost puny. When my treasure home and dropped his gaze to the new timepieces, "he asked, where would I have stolen the clock ...: o)
I wish you a good time and a sunny start to the week.
Naughty America Megavedio
The first game in 2010 was under a good star. For various reasons we could not let this Saturday run up the best team. Nevertheless, our guys after the 0-1 lead could score get the game under control. They could not translate into goals. With four goals in the first half and three in the second but the visitors won the game deserves. We want to quickly check off
it seriously and prepare for the next game.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Watch Family Guy Online On Ur Ipod
A uf the last minute so to speak, I have now even an Easter egg for the relief of victims of Erbebenkatastrophe produced by Haitian Christine . I hope it does not arrive too late as the closing date should be 15.03.2010. But perhaps made for a good cause a small exception.
My Easter egg is not the big hit - but homemade and unique ... I think that counts. I do not have the right to a profit, I wanted to contribute only a small part to an action, which I consider to be extremely good. Now I hope that many other bloggers have joined this action and am excited about the result.