terrace redesign E s gibt Geschenke, die fallen klein aus... und es gibt Geschenke, die ein etwas größeres Ausmaß betragen. Eines der größeren Art ist meinem Schatz und mir dieses Jahr zum Geburtstag gemacht worden (wir haben lustigerweise am gleichen Tag Geburtstag). Wir haben von meinen Eltern eine Erneuerung unseres Terrassenbelags bekommen. Der schon etwas betagte Terrassenbelag war teilweise mit Marmorbruch ausgelegt und machte seinem Namen in den letzten Jahren alle Ehre... er wurde an vielen Stellen brüchig und es entstand nach und ein ein Flickwerk, dass nicht mehr wirklich schön anzusehen war. Zwar waren im Sommer diese Stellen mit vielen Pots, blooming plants delivered, but the desire for something new was always in mind.
There were also at the bottom of the terrace of a well that was not to my liking and I can grow in recent years with ivy. Somewhat wistfully, I had to but separate from a beautiful bamboo, which is also the fountain design visually hidden. Last month, my dream was fulfilled and then began work on a new wooden deck.
It turned out to be more difficult than initially planned, because under the old tile was a very thick layer of concrete that had to be removed troublesome. But we were very diligent workers, this strenuous work during the searing heat of the last few weeks went by. After the planks were set for the sub-structure, we had to spend some time with this site, because there were supply problems for the wood. In the past week, but the recent work on the terrace was finished and now we can enjoy the summer on our new "dance hall". The area is now almost twice as large and currently still bare a bit, because I have this year - had bought little plants for the balcony - with a view to the forthcoming work. But I will play there next year and I again create a green paradise.
A view of the terrace last year
The old fountain consisting of boulders
The closed fountain area and the first demolition
much dust when Boring and milling of concrete
roller coaster
The substructure
First Impressions the wood floor ... It precedes
break supervision
It is finished - the new terrace
We are very happy with our newly designed outdoor living areas and I would like here to take a stand once again to thank my parents for this unusually large gift to thank!
Thank you!