Thursday, December 23, 2010

What To Do If Dog Eats Excedrin?

Project Home Server - Part II: Components

After in Part I of the framework and requirements were, it's time to find the right components.

summary, the server should offer much storage (HDD and RAM) and stay for a median performance under a cost limit of EUR 800-1000.

The CPU could be chosen for a server is very powerful. strained by a Xeon with 2 x 4 cores of course everyone dreams, but about 750EUR (350 EUR motherboard + CPU 2x 200 EUR), and would naturally shy away from in this case strongly overshoot the target.

addition, the demands on the CPU rather low. A dual-core Intel or AMD Quad Core are therefore for discussion:

  • AMD
    Here we have offered very good value for money. For 4x 2.5 GHz must be spent only about 130 EUR. The power consumption remains limited.
  • Intel Quad Core
    A comes from Intel, unfortunately not in question, as the best models for the 1156 base more than 150 EUR costs. However, the i3 class offers a dual-core 3.2GHz enough power and has the advantage of not parallelizable applications to be noticeably faster. In addition, a GPU is integrated.
The discussion of processors should basically always be conducted with an open end. Since for our project a lot more factors are important. For example, we need an affordable motherboard with plenty of SATA ports. In addition, all support standard RAID modes (1,5,10). The purchase of a RAID card is omitted for cost reasons.
  • AMD Platform
    Here are plenty of boards with enough SATA ports and support RAID. Unfortunately, the performance of the SB750 South Bridge does not usually expect much.
  • Intel Platforms
    Intel Platform offers the H57 and the Storage Technology Intel Rapid a sound basis for a RAID. Some advantages are the dynamic extension von bestehenden RAID Arrays (Bei Chipsatz ICH10R)
Die Entscheidung fällt an dieser Stelle also für den Prozessor mit weniger Kernen und für ein Mainboard mit ICH10R Chipsatz.

Die Wahl des passenden Gehäuses ist nicht zu unterschätzen. Gerade bei einem Server gibt es einige Features, auf die man nicht verzichten sollte. Insbesondere Belüftung und Wartung sind bei einem auf Dauerbetrieb ausgelegten Computer wichtig.

Bezüglich der Wartung sollte man bei einem Server ein Gehäuse mit Hot Swap möglichkeit wählen. Das bedeutet, man kann den Server ohne Unterbrechung (Herunterfahren) um Festplatten erweitern oder defekte (ja, damit muss man rechnen) Festplatten austauschen.

Mit diesen Eigenschaften finden sich zumeist nur wenige Gehäuse, von Vorteil sind aber Preissuchmaschinen, die nach Eigenschaften filtern lassen, wie zum Beispiel

Dabei boten sich zwei Gehäuse an:
  • Chenbro SR106
    Leider nicht lieferbar und der Große Bruder SR107 ist mit 8 Festplattenkäfigen und einem Anschaffungspreis von über 280 EUR viel zu teuer
  • Zalman MS1000-HS2
    Bietet Platz für 6 Festplatten per Hot-Swap über die Front und hat genügend Lüfter zur Kühlung, die sich sogar auch noch regeln lassen. Kosten: 130 EUR ... acceptable!
  • Western Digital Caviar Green 2000GB
    Briefly, everything here is true: price, speed and power consumption.
It should be noted, however, to choose one system drive. Here I like to use 2.5 "hard drives that fast (7200rpm), are quiet and robust.

Now we have been held for key components. The rest (RAM, PSU) is obtained almost .

Case: Zalman MS1000-HS2 - 135 EUR
PSU: Pure Power 530W be quiet 80plus - 60 EUR
Motherboard: MSI
H57M-ED65 - 140 EUR
CPU: Intel Core
i3 550 2x 3.2 GHz - 100 EUR
RAM: 4GB DDR3 2x Kingston Value - 100 EUR
disk system: Hitachi Travelstar 7K500 250GB 7200rpm 2.5 " - 50 EUR
Hard Drives RAID: 3 - 6x Western Digital Caviar Green 2000GB - 75 EUR / piece

costs (for 3 RAID drives) : 810 EUR

In Part III of the series (from mid-January 2011) we will then assembling components and test if you get on.

Where Is The Sixth Arrow? I Spy

Project Home Server - Part I: Preparation

The holiday season, it shows once again: a well-organized file archive and backup should not fail in any networked home.

Whether it's a safe storage of the vacation photos, the digital archive of invoices or swelling iTunes archive, the need for storage space in a digital home is enormous. Here, however, to place at least willing to look more and more noisy hard drives in the living room or study. And the handling could be as simple external hard drives (aside from the fact that mobile media like to follow gravity and so data loss occurs)

The idea is thus the way to Home Server. And as a computer will be allowed to naturally aufschwatzen no ready solution, the urge to tinker at the holidays, as they did in childhood, continues unabated.

to be the first place must now be considered of course, what does my server what I want to do with it?

  • process and store videos and, if necessary. (Storage + + + + + performance)
    The camcorder records in long and 1080p on the new iPhone 4 at 720p and new demands on storage capacity. Among the videos will be on the server and converted so that the player can also view the videos in the living room.
  • Image Archive (Storage + + +)
    Digital SLR needed per shot (RAW + JPEG) 15 MB, there are fast times 20 GB snapped in the summer.
  • backup memory (RAM + + +)
    Windows or other software which will become a complete system image of the other computers can take hold and in addition a history of about 3 months on a weekly basis.
  • virtual playground (storage + + + + + memory, processing power + +) for experimental
    should have such a server the ability to start virtual machines and operating in parallel to experiment with other versions of Windows and Linux. The families homepage can can in such a virtual machine running
in all we say that the server requires a very high storage capacity, a lot of memory for the next preliminary processes must have, and an average CPU has to provide power. In Part II we'll talk more about it.

addition to the functional demands of course always the issue of further conditions.
  • power consumption
    course, the server should not always run at full capacity and only operate as required with all components.
  • price range
    We are talking here of a product for end users and as a finished Windows Home Server equipment costs with a lean 800-1000EUR and the server should this project be located there. Of course, at a far greater range of services.
This is now the rough framework put. In Part II deals with the searching and the results. The specific components are presented and discussed their data.

From January 2011 Part III appears (manual assembly), Part IV (commissioning) and Part V will summarize how the server is reflected in practice.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Can You Be Disqualified From The Army For Dental

A collage ...

... h at a friend for her husband at 1 Wedding day you want. She had a style in my heart factory seen, but the original idea came from here . When I first discovered the beautiful, romantic heart collage in delicate pink and white tones in Patchlisel, I asked if I could pick up on this idea, because I would also like such a chemical heart picture ... well, the lack of time prevented me from always remember. I was more pleased when I took this project - mainly as a favorite color red - now could realize this for love people.

And most of these red wall, the collage now hangs in their new owners ... the color of love - but hardly matching you go ...

With this heart I wish you all a Merry Christmas to the feast of love - and are all loving each other.


How To Teething Gums Look

to all active players, please return

Vorbereitungsprogramm / Terminplanung Rückrunde

Montag, 10.Januar Spinning 20.40 - 21.30 Uhr
Freitag, 14.Januar Hallentraining 20.00 - 21.30 Uhr
Montag, 17.Januar TRX 20.40 - 21.30 Uhr
Freitag, 21.Januar Hallentraining 20.00 - 21.30 Uhr
Montag, 24.Januar Spinning 20.40 - 21.30 Uhr
Freitag, 28.Januar Hallentraining 20.00 - 21.30 Uhr
Monday, January 31 TRX 20.40 - 21.30 clock

Wednesday, Feb 09 Start Training artificial turf Flüeli, 20.00 - 21.30 clock
workouts prepare 1st Division Team> Monday, Wednesday, Friday 20:00 to 21:30 clock
workouts preparation 4.Liga Team> Monday, Wednesday 20.00-21.30 clock

Planned preparatory games

Sunday, February 20, 12:00 clock SCV 1 - FC Windisch (2nd Division )
Sunday, February 27, 1100 1:00 clock SCV - Schlieren FC 2 (division 2)
Sunday, Mar 06, 13:00 clock SCV 2 - ________________
Sunday, March 13th, still free
Wednesday, March 16 at 20:15 clock SCV 2 - ________________
Sunday, March 20, 13.00 clock a SCV - SCV Youth Cb
Sunday, 27 . March, 13.00 clock SCV 1 - FC Bülach 1 (1st Division)
Wednesday, March 30 at 20:15 clock SCV 2 - ________________
Sunday, Apr 03, ____ Clock SCV 1 - FC Wängi ( 2nd Division)
Sunday, Apr 03, ____ Clock SCV 2 (4.Liga) Championship Start
Sunday, April 10 ____ Clock SCV 1 - FC Blue Stars 1 (championship)

Merry Christmas and a Happy 2011 to wish the Board SC Veltheim women

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Transport Masterbation

cushion with embroidered lettering

H allo my loyal companion ... I was very pleased that you have visited me again.

Today I want to show you my latest cushion collection. The fabric of French fashion ads, I discovered at a trade fair in Hamburg. Buy It occurred to me to sew pillows and matching it to designing logos. Like five unique pieces are created, who all get a different text.

particularly pleased me that this hand work some people are truly valued and even two pillows may now revive other apartments in the couch.

Das nächste Kissenprojekt wird meine Korbstühle im Flur betreffen. Nachdem ich den Flur schon vor einiger Zeit neu gestrichen habe, passen meine Kissenhüllen überhaupt nicht mehr in ihrem Outfit zur Umgebung. Die Stöffchen liegen schon bereit...

Herzliche Grüße

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Where Can I Read Free Shotacon Mangas Online


W omit fängt man am besten an, wenn man wochenlang dem Blog ferngeblieben ist...

Ich habe mich erstmal dazu entschlossen, mein Blogkleidchen zu wechseln und zum Jahresende ein bisschen frischen Wind auf meine Seite zu bringen. Ich hoffe, das neue Outfit gefällt euch auch. Und da ich in den letzten Monaten leider auch keine Zeit gefunden habe meine Herzmanufaktur zu pflegen, werde ich den Blog nicht weiterführen. Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass ich keine Herzen mehr nähe - viel mehr werde ich sie dann hier auch zeigen.

In den vergangenen Wochen habe ich viel genäht und auch ein paar kleine Projekte gestickt. Hauptsächlich waren es Vorbereitungen für a Christmas market in which I have issued this year for the first time. It has brought much fun and was quite successful, but it was pretty cold, because I had my stand out. Nevertheless, the atmosphere was wonderful, visited the market well, and the date for next year is already mentally noted.

For now I would like to show you today a few pictures of my Christmas decorations and the Christmas market. What I have gehandwerkelt in recent weeks, I put it in the next few days and after a.

I hope some readers are like me and still remained faithful together with me revive my blog somewhat.

A good week for all of you - preferably without too much snow chaos