A m Monday at us was in the city, a large Pentecostal market. Originally I wanted to browse comfortably go on the market a bit. Short term, I was thinking about places but even a booth with my homemade items and items from the shop to make.
3.45 clock was announced getting up at 5:30 clock and it went off in the city to build. Officially, the start of the market by 10 clock, but was in the early morning hours orderly crowds in the squares. As the weather in the last few days so was quite variable but, I was determined to build a pavilion as a precaution. Good planning, as it turned out even during construction. Was it at our meeting still dry at the moment it began to rain, as was the pavilion. While I then loaded my table, it was raining from the pavilion roof always nice to me in the back and gathered under the tent is also the water. My boxes that stood on the floor soaked through beautiful and I had put on no rain-shoes, my feet were too fast flippers.
As for me, however, very surprised, was that, despite the bad weather, lots of people on the go. Und was mich sehr aufbaute war die positive Resonanz der interessierten Besucher, die an meinem Stand verweilten. Das brachte die Laune schnell wieder auf ein gutes Level. Gegen mittag traute sich dann auch noch die Sonne heraus und hielt sich über die Nachmittagsstunden, so dass es noch ein angenehmer Tag wurde.
Hier möchte ich euch noch ein paar Bilder von meinem Stand zeigen.
A couple of pin cushions ...
... and the bulletin boards I've also made yourself ...

... and of course could not miss my fabric heart - you will find details here ...

round it was a long but beautiful and eventful Tag und wenn das Wetter mitspielt, werde ich das Ende Juni auf einem anderen Markt noch mal wiederholen.
Ich wünsche euch schon heute einen guten Start ins Wochenende,
mit lieben Grüßen,

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