Friday, April 30, 2010

Frostbite Swollen Fingers

Sapphire Ultimate Radeon HD 5550 - passive

Wer auf der Suche nach einer relativ schlanken, passiven Grafikarte der neusten Generation ist, könnte nun fündig werden. Sapphire stellt nun eine Grafikkarte mit HD 5550 Chip und 1024 MB DDR 2 Speicher vor, die passiv gekühlt ist and contented itself with a slot. Although the heat pipe directs the heat on the back of the board, but there is usually has more space than on the side where other plug-in cards are installed on the motherboard.

  • Output: 1x VGA, 1x Dual Link DVI 1x HDMI
  • GPU: 550 MHz GPU clock, 40nm, 320 stream processors
  • Memory: 1024 MB, 128 bit, 800 MHz

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pneumonia On English Bulldogs

Esprimo P9900 0-Watt Green IT - In Tests

Heute habe ich ein paar Esprimo P9900 Geräte der 0-Watt Serie von Fujitsu unter die Finger bekommen. Auffällig ist das etwas breitere Design gegenüber Herkömmlichen Gehäuse, dafür befindet sich im Inneren ein schönes BTX Board mit ausgeklügeltem Kühlkonzept.

  • CPU: Core i5 2x3.20 GHz
  • RAM: 1x2048 GB DDR3
  • HDD: 320GB SATA
  • Grafik: Onboard

  • Sehr Robustes, Wartungsfreundliches Gehäuse
  • Relativ Schlanke Vorinstallation
  • Viele Ausgänge (10x USB, DisplayPort, DVI (VGA über Adapter))
  • Tastatur (PS2) und Maus (USB) liegen bei
  • Windows 7 64Bit Vorinstalliert und Win XP beigelegt.
  • Nicht so leise, dass er in einer Einzelbüroumgebung nicht hörbar ist.
Windows 7 Leistungsindex
  • Prozessor: 7,0
  • Arbeitsspeicher (RAM): 5,5
  • Grafik: 4,3
  • Grafik (Spiele): 5,2
  • Primäre Festplatte: 5,9

Monday, April 26, 2010

What Happened To Akiba Online

OP well

U ur little Muffelchen was operated on today - a few anxious hours behind us - but he has so far survived quite well. A few weeks ago, we felt a bump on his neck and the vet first suspected an infection that was treated with antibiotics. After short-term improvement in the tumor came back and was also diagnosed by X-ray image will not be accurate. Last Thursday, we then decided at a CT and it was found that two splinters of wood have drilled through the esophagus into the throat. So today was scheduled at short notice for the OP. However, in the immediate vicinity of the splitter, the main artery, trachea and major nerves, so far no simple procedure. The more relieved we were when the call came in redeeming that our four-legged friend has everything went well. We are very grateful to the vet because it was not an easy task for them.

It is now the next few days abzuwarten und aufzupassen, dass der kleine Wirbelwind sich nicht den Verband versucht abzukratzen und alles bald gut verheilt.

Der kleine Schluck Wasser in der Kurve....

... mit der bösen großen Narbe am Hals...

Nun hoffen wir auf eine ruhige und schmerzfreie Nacht.

Bleibt alle gesund,
eure Anna

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Engraved Bracelets At Disneyland

Google Street View - 69% of privacy are respected

Na da können wir uns doch freuen, jetzt wo Streetview langsam aber sicher auch nach Deutschland kommt, does Anonymmisierungsfunktion already to 69%. She has managed to find 17 to 24 faces in the image below. The rest can look forward to the violation of his privacy.

* update *
Google has removed the offending image mitlerweile. But I wonder just why I have to remove Google this work and why Google may just break the law and must respond only when requested. Clearly one else could such a system will not be realized quickly and cheaply, but weighs on the violations committed by the Google Street View?

Still A Burning Issue?

earned Derby victory in Bamenohl

Nach Anfangsschwierigkeiten wurden unsere Jungs immer stärker und in der 18. Minute schoss Oguzhan dann das 1:0 für uns. Damit stand eigentlich schon fest, dass an diesem Tag nichts mehr schief geht. Vier Minuten später erhöhte Alperen auf 2:0. In der zweiten Hälfte (36. , 50. Min.) schoss Alperen zwei weitere Tore und landete somit einen Hattrick. Vier Minuten vor Schluss sicherte uns Oguzhan noch einen 5:0-Sieg. Überragende Torwartleistung, stabile Abwehrreihe, agiles Mittelfeld und brandgefährlicher Sturm zeichneten unsere Jungs diesmal aus.
Anscheinend haben die jetzt die Kurve gekriegt. Weiter so!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

New Employee Welcome Note By Md

Acer Aspire 1825PTZ - no fan noise

Thanks to the tips of a friendly fellow readers I now have the notebook with SSD (see article at ) and the tool 1810tray of every sound and moving part, free. Now is precisely the device that it should be and what I wanted.

to 1810tray: It's a little scary at first to hear any fan noise from the device. The fact that it is overheating could besorte me at first. Thanks to the temperature display in the tray but you can rest assured of his work to pursue, without melting away that a notebook under your fingers. The fan jumps on demand and depending on configuration and automatically.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Toddler Heart Beat Irregular While Sleeping

My white Dream - an old kitchen buffet

V or ein paar Wochen waren wir bei meinem "Schwieger-Onkel" zu Besuch. Er hat ein Lager voll mit alten Möbeln, die er aufarbeitet. Für mein neues Arbeitszimmer suche ich schon eine ganze Weile einen alten Schrank, also stöberte ich mich durch die Lagerräume. Es sind dort viele Schmuckstücke zu finden - teilweise auseinandergebaut - aber auf den ersten Blick fand ich nicht gleich wonach ich suchte. Dann irgendwo ganz versteckt entdeckte ich ein Stückchen von einem alten Küchenbuffet. Viel konnte ich davon nicht sehen, aber ich wusste, das soll meins werden. Da unsere Verwandschaft aber 350 km entfernt wohnt, konnten wir das Teil nicht gleich mitnehmen, weil wir nur mit dem Pkw dort waren. Also musste erstmal ein Anhänger organisiert werden und last Sunday it was about time ... we picked up my closet and various small parts.

The good weather of the last two days I then spent painting on the terrace and buffet white gemalert. And now you are allowed you look at what happened to the cabinet.

A first look at the top of hidden ...

... and here's a bit dusty from the bottom ...

... as a photo montage "grouped" ...

... before you have the cabinets to protect so often lined with paper -
here to see a remnant ... I had hundreds of thumbtacks from
remove the shelves and drawers ...

... and here is the finished whitewashed buffet ...

... the lack of glass windows I've replaced with chicken wire ...

(now needs someone chicken wire? I have about 8 m Left * laughing)

... again to compare "before" and "after".

Now it can finally go to the granting and decorating o)

This small shelf board and the dressing room I've also taken and will continue at the next solar radiation deleted.

I wish eine kreative Woche...
liebe Grüße,

Monday, April 19, 2010

Hawaiian Phrases Translate

Acer Timeline Aspire 1825PTZ with Intel SSD spiced

Yesterday I had yes wrote a short test for Acer Aspire 1825 PTZ. And today I can tell you what it is for benefits that internal hard drive (a Western Digital 3200BEVT with 5400rpm and 8MB cache) to be replaced by the following HDD:

Intel 80GB 32MB Postville G2 Solid State Disk

The Solid State Disk leads first of all to the hard drive is silent now. It is, however, immediately apparent that the internal fan of 1825PTZ never settles down and whispers quietly to himself.

Another advantage that I the pivoting of the laptops in the eBook mode feeling guilty must have the hard drive heads aufschlagen.

Außerdem spürt man die zusätzliche Performance, vor allem beim Starten von Programmen. Der Windows Index für die Festplatte ist eine 7,7 von maximal 7,9 ... Top also!

Zum Schluss kann ich nicht genau sagen, ob sich die 200€ bei einem 600€ Laptop für jeden lohnen, das sollte jeder selber für sich abwiegen!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hearing Loss Percentage Disability Used By The Va

Acer Aspire 1825PTZ Timeline Review - angetestet

Vor mir liegt gerade das brandneue Convertible Notebook von Acer: Timeline 1825PTZ.

Um vielleicht einigen bei der Kaufentscheidung zu helfen, beschreibe ich hier kurz die Merkmale, die ich für wichtig halte. Auf Anfrage gerne auch weitere.

Design und Gewicht
Schick, 1.7 kg, but not lightweight. The article in the eBook format is already exhausting in the long run if you can not sit on his lap.

like The capacitive touch screen. With Windows 7 is also a really good touch screen operation is possible and the on-screen keyboard allows direct input without a keyboard.
fallen When writing texts the large buttons displeased, but the little palm rest and the small special keys (and shift-left is quite small)

The fan spring under load at very early and can get quite loud, but there are also those moments when surfing or read nothing more is heard.

battery life
8 + hours of the advertisement says that I have not yet in operation at medium screen brightness, but a full working day or days in the university considers it loose with short breaks in sleep mode with no charge.

it reflects. In direct sun seen nothing. In semi-shade and without reflection, but also the outdoor work with minor restrictions is possible. In an office environment, for ceiling light is not the whole problem, if the lamp is not directly reflected. What do
on display: good colors suitable lighting, whether for movies, when the brightness zurückschraubt, automatische Rotation der Auflösung beim kippen des Gerätes (sehr praktisch)

2x 1,3 GHz Pentium SU4100 ... das kling nicht nach viel. Aber Youtube ist in HD mit 720p möglich und damit hat diese Plattform die Nase klar gegenüber Atom Netbooks vorne. Videos laufen mit dem CoreAVC Codec und über den HDMI Ausgang locker mit 1080p@24 und einer CPU-Auslastung von <50%.
Das Gesamtsystem macht einen flotten Eindruck, beim surfen, schreiben, lesen sind keine Nachteile gegenüber einem Desktop System zu erwarten. 3D Spiele habe ich nicht getestet.

Mobilität *Update*
Das Gehäuse wirkt im mobilen Einsatz sehr robust. The device of the simultaneous use it while running without problems. In this case, it in its open position at a corner to hold next to the touchpad and the housing does not bend and so can be: Leave running and reading.

Battery The battery lasts for regular use, as announced his eight hours not through. The charging time is quite long (of course not be compared at run time) and I upload it on every night.

more information I post, unless they surrender.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Advantages Of Dried Mango Chip

Memory of Spring Raffle Giveaway

H allo Ihr lieben Frühlingsgewinnspiel-Mäuse. Heute war es soweit - die Gewinner von meinem Giveaway wurden ermittelt. Es gab 29 Kommentare, wobei einer doppelt war... bleiben 28 Kommentare. Zwei wurden zwar erst nach der abgelaufenen Uhrzeit geschrieben, aber da dieses Gewinnspiel ja Fun sein soll, habe ich die beiden noch mit ins Spiel genommen.

Ich habe mal keine Zettelchen gefaltet sondern mir überlegt, die Gewinner durch ein Memory zu "erspielen". Dafür habe ich für jeden Mitspieler zwei Kärtchen gebastelt... auf die Vorderseite den Beitrag gedruckt und die Rückseite schön designed neutral.

Here you can convince you that it actually was for each of you two cards: o)

then turned over the cards and mixed fine .. . and mixed ... and mixed ...

and then all the cards properly distributed in the ranks ...

... and off we went! The first two face up cards were Shippymolkfred and thread noticeable silence * ... * Remember

The next two maps show the world and Bianca's aunt Brusselina * Brain ... * Remember

The third attempt, the second card of Shippymolkfred revealed ... and ... yes I had it at the very beginning ... think about it ... and whoosh the appropriate card found. The first pair was found!

Next we went ... the cards and opened Leobambina Feenraum ...

re-covered and re-discover ... a stroke of luck ... The first card was from the corresponding Feenraum ... na gives me my memory in the lurch? ... nei n. .. The couple was found.

New Game ... new happiness ... Mayodan Garden and Lovely Vintage

What has now been revealed ...? Essentials and Kullerbü ... * The voltage increases *... (Au shit ... as you can see the burn mark on my pine table ... you just think it would be a knot-hole - I had not mentioned, it definitely would not be noticed * lol)

with uncovering the first card of the partners of Mayodan Garden was visible ... this card I had ever seen ... and in fact I caught again the right card and therefore the third pair.

Not really a notary public, but with honest hands of me and a lot of fun little game proudly presents the Stick garden: the first, and thus a welcome Garland, for Shippy (sorry do not know her real name) of Shippymolkfred . Congratulations!

Den zweiten Platz belegt Silvia vom Feenraum und dafür bekommt sie das Schild "I'm in the Garden". Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Und für dem 3. Platz bekommt Daniela von Mayodans Garden &amp; Crafts das kleine Rundbogen-Herz. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

It was my pleasure to host you for this giveaway and I hope you had a little fun and the winners are pleased with their gifts. Please send me your addresses via email now that you'll now stored on my profile, so that I can send it as soon as possible prices.

I wish you a nice Sunday evening and I am going to adjust now to the cooking studio and conjure up a delicious pork-on-cream-zucchini casserole.

Love, Anna

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Japanesebreastfeeding Tv

From Aunt Emma's Times ... Home

... s cheint to get this nostalgic paper roll holder - I bought it in Annie's house blueberry - Also known as lille Hus. For a long time I was looking for a nice dispenser, which should move into my new office. At the evening Schnöke by the bloggers world, I discovered him then ... he laughed at me on a little images and whispered to me, I * will * be your - can you resist that? And here I present you my new piece of jewelry.

love Annie, the paper roll holder arrived safely and my paper has received its destination. I thank thee, that thou hast sent me this beautiful part so fast and I'm so happy about it.

I also had luck with the bidding in a major auction house. The initials of me and my treasure is A and M . And I have a beautiful embroidered pillow Parade can bid with those initials.

I wish you a good Sunday ... and to 11.11 clock you still have time for the spring raffle to be there. Prepare o)

Love, Anna

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Mario Salieri Freemovie Streaming

second Ostercup 2010

Heute hieß es für unsere Jungs: from the Soccer Center in Meinerzhagen!
The performance of our boys was occupied with this renowned tournament time top teams, sometimes flop.
survived According to our guys so just the first and second round. In the quarterfinals, but was
against SV Freiling village conclusion, albeit with a 2:1 rather scarce.
We hope that we can take the one shown in some games, combat readiness in the next games.