U ur little Muffelchen was operated on today - a few anxious hours behind us - but he has so far survived quite well. A few weeks ago, we felt a bump on his neck and the vet first suspected an infection that was treated with antibiotics. After short-term improvement in the tumor came back and was also diagnosed by X-ray image will not be accurate. Last Thursday, we then decided at a CT and it was found that two splinters of wood have drilled through the esophagus into the throat. So today was scheduled at short notice for the OP. However, in the immediate vicinity of the splitter, the main artery, trachea and major nerves, so far no simple procedure. The more relieved we were when the call came in redeeming that our four-legged friend has everything went well. We are very grateful to the vet because it was not an easy task for them.
It is now the next few days abzuwarten und aufzupassen, dass der kleine Wirbelwind sich nicht den Verband versucht abzukratzen und alles bald gut verheilt.
Der kleine Schluck Wasser in der Kurve....
... mit der bösen großen Narbe am Hals...
Nun hoffen wir auf eine ruhige und schmerzfreie Nacht.
Bleibt alle gesund,
eure Anna
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