H allo Ihr lieben Frühlingsgewinnspiel-Mäuse. Heute war es soweit - die Gewinner von meinem Giveaway wurden ermittelt. Es gab 29 Kommentare, wobei einer doppelt war... bleiben 28 Kommentare. Zwei wurden zwar erst nach der abgelaufenen Uhrzeit geschrieben, aber da dieses Gewinnspiel ja Fun sein soll, habe ich die beiden noch mit ins Spiel genommen.
Ich habe mal keine Zettelchen gefaltet sondern mir überlegt, die Gewinner durch ein Memory zu "erspielen". Dafür habe ich für jeden Mitspieler zwei Kärtchen gebastelt... auf die Vorderseite den Beitrag gedruckt und die Rückseite schön designed neutral.
Here you can convince you that it actually was for each of you two cards: o)
then turned over the cards and mixed fine .. . and mixed ... and mixed ...
and then all the cards properly distributed in the ranks ...
... and off we went! The first two face up cards were Shippymolkfred and thread noticeable silence * ... * Remember
The next two maps show the world and Bianca's aunt Brusselina * Brain ... * Remember
The third attempt, the second card of Shippymolkfred revealed ... and ... yes I had it at the very beginning ... think about it ... and whoosh the appropriate card found. The first pair was found!
Next we went ... the cards and opened Leobambina Feenraum ...
re-covered and re-discover ... a stroke of luck ... The first card was from the corresponding Feenraum ... na gives me my memory in the lurch? ... nei n. .. The couple was found.
New Game ... new happiness ... Mayodan Garden and Lovely Vintage
What has now been revealed ...? Essentials and Kullerbü ... * The voltage increases *... (Au shit ... as you can see the burn mark on my pine table ... you just think it would be a knot-hole - I had not mentioned, it definitely would not be noticed * lol)
with uncovering the first card of the partners of Mayodan Garden was visible ... this card I had ever seen ... and in fact I caught again the right card and therefore the third pair.
Not really a notary public, but with honest hands of me and a lot of fun little game proudly presents the Stick garden: the first, and thus a welcome Garland, for Shippy (sorry do not know her real name) of Shippymolkfred . Congratulations!
Den zweiten Platz belegt Silvia vom Feenraum und dafür bekommt sie das Schild "I'm in the Garden". Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Und für dem 3. Platz bekommt Daniela von Mayodans Garden & Crafts das kleine Rundbogen-Herz. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
It was my pleasure to host you for this giveaway and I hope you had a little fun and the winners are pleased with their gifts. Please send me your addresses via email now that you'll now stored on my profile, so that I can send it as soon as possible prices.
I wish you a nice Sunday evening and I am going to adjust now to the cooking studio and conjure up a delicious pork-on-cream-zucchini casserole.
Love, Anna
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